
LCF Grant Consulting, LLC is a full service grant writing and
grant support services firm. We provide the following services: 

Grant Readiness Assessment

Empower your organization's funding journey through our customized grant readiness assessments. With extensive experience in the grant landscape, we meticulously review your readiness to apply for grants. Our comprehensive evaluation covers crucial aspects, including organizational capacity, project alignment, and strategic planning. By identifying strengths and areas for improvement, we ensure you're equipped to navigate the competitive grant space successfully. Seamlessly adapt to funder requirements, optimize your proposals, and increase your chances of securing funding. 

Grant Prospect Research / Opportunity Analysis

Clients often need help searching for relevant funding. Liz can locate and evaluate potential funding streams, and create a realistic approach for seeking funds. For foundation research, this typically includes 10-15 well-matched funders. Government sources can be analyzed individually or as part of a research package. Typically offered as one-time service or as part of an annual grant writing retainer contract. 

Case Statements

A case statement is like the heart of any project you want funding for—it's the core of the grant application. This living document encompasses the key components vital for a successful grant proposal, including a needs assessment, research, program objectives, demographic insights, evaluation metrics, and sustainability strategy. Typically helpful for foundation and corporate funders. 

Grant Writing

Full-service grant writing from start to finish, for foundation, corporate, and government funders. This typically includes: 

Grant Reporting, Management & Compliance

Liz can assist with writing reports to foundation and corporate funders, and can help with government grant compliance, contracting, and ongoing management. With experience as the director of a federally-funded program and as a board member of a local United Way, Liz is experienced with all aspects of award management.